Further reading:
Select bibliography
Much of the information for this book, and the feel for the time that it covers, was derived from magazine and newspaper articles too numerous to contain in a standard bibliography. I have selectively read through runs of the Overland Monthly, Sunset, Mining and Scientific Press, Merchants' Association Review, the Wasp, Arthur McEwen's Letter, California Derrick, San Francisco Water, the World's Work, and the four leading San Francisco newspapers, the Call, Chronicle, Examiner, and Bulletin, for the period from 1895 to 1915.
The personal papers of individuals and families in the Bancroft Library have also been invaluable, especially those of William Hammond Hall, Ernest Orlando Lawrence, David Prescott Barrows, John Francis Neylan, James Duval Phelan, and the Hearst and Sharon families, all located in the Bancroft Library at the University of California at Berkeley. Because Hubert Howe Bancroft recognized the value of oral history, his namesake library is particularly rich in the transcribed recollections of people important in the transformation of the West, while the Regional Oral History Office carries on the tradition with a set of exemplary interviews.
Sundry corporate histories, collections of vanity biographies, and Walker's Manual of Securities have also been useful, as have the Pacific Historical Review and the California Historical Society Quarterly.
Finally, no database will ever replace the mind of an archivist or librarian who knows his or her collections.
Those who desire full documentation as well as more text and illustrations should consult my dissertation, "Imperial San Francisco: The Environmental Impact of Urban Elites upon the Pacific Basin," University of California at Berkeley, Department of Geography, 1998.
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